Promotion of environmental education by Youth participation in monitoring forest biodiversity of the reserve Plaiul Fagului
Promotion of environmental education by Youth participation in monitoring forest biodiversity of the reserve Plaiul Fagului

Project title:
“Promotion of environmental education by Youth participation in monitoring forest biodiversity of the reserve Plaiul Fagului”

Project coordinator:
Women’s Association for Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development

Project’s partners:
Peipsi Center for Transboundary Cooperation
Agency Moldsilva
Natural Reserve “Plaiul Fagului”
Ecological Movement of Moldova
Magazine “Natura”

Project lenght:
August 2013 – July 2014 (12 months)

Estonian Ministry of Foreing Affairs
National Ecological Fund

Project goal:
The project goal is oriented towards a better understanding of the nature and promoting best techniques for conserving biodiversity.

Project objectives:
1. Conducting biodiversity monitoring campaigns, by  involving youth from neighboring villages of reserve “Plaiul Fagului”; Create a Communication Network between schools of adjacent localities of reserve “Plaiul Fagului”; Organizing environmental clubs in these schools;
2. Increasing informational and educational awareness of the locals and youth, toward implementation of environmental objectives in order to protect nature and sustainable development having as a Model – Natural Reserve “Plaiul Fagului”;
3. Publishing of educational and instructive: achieving illustrated booklet containing species of plants and animals in the Reserve “Plaiul Fagului” in various stages of endangerment;
4. Develop a best practice guide on Participatory Biodiversity Inventory and Monitoring;
5. Promoting the value of Moldova’s natural monuments through the media, to European and global entries circuit values.

Project activities: