AFPMDD Activity Report 2012

Women’s Association for Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development (AFPMDD) is a Republican organization, nonprofit, nongovernmental, nonpolitical, which operates throughout the Republic of Moldova, is registered with the Ministry of Justice no. 3549 of 22 March 2006.

The organization’s mission is to contribute to the promotion and sustainable development of the Republic of Moldova in the social sphere, environmental and economic, and the development of Moldova’s cooperation with other countries in the areas of environmental protection.

AFPMDD is member of:

– The Alliance “For a Clean Prut”

– Member of the Danube Environmental Forum,

– Member of the organizing committee of “Earth Day”.

– Member of the National Platform of the Civil Society Forum of the Eastern Partnership Forum;

– Associate Member of the National Participation Council to the Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova;

In 2012, AFPMDD realized the project “Let’s care for small streams along with their beneficiaries!”, funded by the National Environmental Fund.

Contributions to the rehabilitation of the river Camenka and improve water quality by: assessing the ecological status of the river Camenka, capacity building authorities and communities to rehabilitate and protect Camenka River.


Also,the “Green School Trophy” – Support for pre-university education institutions towards a successful environmental management based on sustainable development principles.

Project implemented in partnership with the Environmental Movement of Moldova and the journal Nature. Conducting environmental program hours in nature with students from schools in the suburbs of

Chisinau. Creating compost vegetable plants in 3 schools. Organizing a round table seminar with teachers from these institutions. Editing instructive and educative pamphlet “Compost – the best

fertilizer for your garden” and “Teacher’s book” – a guide for teachers which lead school ecology class.


Encouraging respect for the intrinsic value of the individual and the environment.

Active involvement of students and teachers in the development of a sustainable ecologically.

Training teachers and students how to develop and implement an environmental project, etc..

Teacher training aimed at achieving the environmental education.

Awareness and knowledge of the relationship between individual and nature in terms of social, ethical, aesthetic and cultural as well as ecological.

The results of the project:

– Develop and publish leaflet ” Compost – the best food for your garden ” ;

– Drafting and editing of ” Teacher’s Notebook ” ;

– Movements in all schools in the suburbs of Chisinau to discuss the project and seminar organization and conduct of teachers in these schools organic hours .

– Organize and conduct workshop with teachers in schools that have confirmed that part – or entered – 25 municipal schools ;

– Were trained 25 teachers who received certificates of participation .

– We conducted ecological school hours ;

– We commenced the green waste composting in two schools.

– Schools have begun to organize their own environmental activities .

– AFPMDD provided material for the creation of green waste composting facilities in 4 schools in Chisinau.

– Informational materials published by the Ecological Movement of Moldova , the Ministry of Environment, Nature magazine , the AFPMDD , other NGOs school libraries .


AFPMDD has organized ecological courses at:

Gymnasium nr.99,Trușeni;

Gymnasiuml 77, Cricova;

Hiperion Lyceum, Durlești;

Gymnasiuml nr.102, Brăila;

Workshop  „Non-formal education – development opportunities for Republic of Moldova””;


AFPMDD members attended the folowing national meetings :

– The workshop ” Environmental education : a necessity of present and future “, organized by Environmental Working Group , CNP ;

– The sessions of the National Platform of the Eastern Partnership ;

– The International Scientific Symposium “Conservation of plant diversity ” ;

– National seminar ” National Ecological Network – vision problems , solutions ” ;

– At a meeting of the UNDP project ” Environmental Tax Reform ” ;

– At a meeting with Dirk Shuebel Agreement on Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area between Moldova and the EU;

– At the seminar to launch the project ” Biodiversity Planning support nationwide implementation of the CBD Strategic Plan 2011-2020 in Moldova” ;

– Public Consultation : Draft National Strategy for wetlands ;

– The roundtable with civil society organizations as part of a consultation on priorities and expectations for EU assistance to be provided to Moldova by the EU in the period 2014-2020 ;

– The workshop ” Environmental education : a necessity of the present and the future ” ;

– At a meeting of EU Delegation in Moldova ” EU assistance to strengthen civil society in Moldova ” ;


AFPMDD members attended the folowing international meetings:

International Conference on Waste Management in the Black Sea, Galati

Clean Water Conference, Iaşi;

Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum Stockholm, Sweden.